
The committees within the Women's Entrepreneur Society of Corpus Christi (WES:CC) have been created to allow members the opportunity to share their talents and experience within the organization. Each committee has a specific set of needs pertaining to the group, and will help create a strong and lasting foundation for the success of the group as a whole. 



Events are an integral component of our organization, and are a wonderful way for us to make an economic impact in our community. The main events that this committee will oversee include our Biannual Markets (Spring and Winter), Quarterly General Member Meetings, Monthly Founder Meetings, and Member Socials. Those with events management, marketing, community relations, and business backgrounds are encouraged to participate.



This committee is responsible for creating and executing the marketing plan for the organization. This includes advertising and PR opportunities, mass media, website, email, and social media marketing. This committee will work closely with the events team to ensure internal and external communications are carried out in a professional and timely way. Those members with marketing, advertising, public relations, writing, editing, and social media expertise are encouraged to participate.




This committee is responsible for managing organizational ideas from members, oversight of our Associate Memberships, peer-to-peer networking coordination, conflict resolution within the organization, and curriculum/educational development planning. This group will work closely the events committee on any member events and workshops that are developed throughout the year. Those with communication, mentoring, event coordination, and personal well-being experience are encouraged to apply.




This committee is responsible for ensuring financial operations within the organization are managed properly and the annual budget is created and adhered to. This group will also work closely with the other committees to assist in allocated funds where needed and will oversee any event where money is collected. Those with finance, business, and accounting expertise are encouraged to participate.